PCA International
laboratorio di progettazione coordinata e integrata

22 February 2022

22 February 2022

CivETS marzo 2022, pp.106  (ISBN 978-88-944192-5-2)
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The “Laboratorio dell’Opera Prima” is an experimental initiative of “Civilizzare l’Urbano ETS” aimed at involving newly graduated architects and facilitating them in the design of their “first work”, an important requirement for their entry into the world of work.
The Council of the Order of Architects of Naples grants 16 training credits to participants.
Civilizzare l’Urbano ETS” – involving qualified external contributions – organizes design units with moments of theoretical, methodological and operational in-depth study consistent with the cultural path that identifies Pica Ciamarra Associati.
The “Laboratorio dell’Opera Prima” weaves together three objectives:
•  professional objective
•  cultural and social objective
•  relational objective
Possible publications – edited by the participants – on issues of design practice, architectural conception, methodologies of construction and development of the project, with the aim of renewing the reflection on design and professional practice through the modes of production themselves.
The first part of this publication provides brief information on the initiative; the second – more extensive – documents its roots.