PCA International
laboratorio di progettazione coordinata e integrata



MPC, La cultura del progetto: lezioni, nozioni, azioni
Graffiti ed., Napoli 1996, pp.179     index (pdf)

The question of the search for quality in architecture permeates the sequence of “la cultura del progetto”, a column published in the mid-1990s in the weekly economic information magazine “il Denaro”. The collection includes “Architecture and Crime”, which reproposes part of a chapter from Qualità e concezione del progetto – Officina, Rome 1994.  Through dated occasions, an invariant and at the same time evolving logical line is made explicit: almost the moves in sequence in a chess game against an indefinable adversary, very skilful, capable of rising and multiplying like the Hydra of Lerna. A clear objective: to introduce “the culture of the project” to the people, to strengthen the awareness of those working in the field. Filled with hope and faith in the future, a desperate battle against provincialism and inculture.

texts 1995-98 revision December 2021 (pdf)
on “il Denaro, quotidiano economico del Sud-Italia”, until 1996 collected in a volume published by Graffiti